Halff will provide electrical engineering services for illuminating the entry to the amphitheater as well as the stage illumination and stage power connections available through a Company Switch. Halff shall coordinate with the utility company to extend a new electrical service to the Amphitheater and understand there will be issues with placement of electrical equipment due to floodplain issues. Halff is assuming the project will require a photometric
report of the entry area. The electrical service will be utilized for lighting circuits as well as irrigation control and stage power. Plans will be sealed by a Licensed Engineer.
Architectural Acoustics – Halff will establish reasonable criteria which will govern the acoustical performance of the amphitheater. This will involve analysis of the shape of the performance platform for sound reinforcement, musical instrumentation and spoken word including studies of projected sounds and sound reflections. We will provide guidance on the shape of the shell and finishes in order that the proper acoustics can be designed into the facility. We will make recommendations for surface materials and their placement to help create and acoustical environment which is appropriate for the various intended uses. Our recommendations will consider not only the necessary acoustical performance but also the aesthetics of the facility along with other architectural elements.
Sound System Design – Halff will analyze the design of the venue in regard to the appropriate type of sound system that has the greatest potential to meet the long term requirements of the facility and those of the City and that support a variety of presentation formats. All necessary components (i.e. microphones, signal processing equipment, amplifiers, speakers) will be included in our design package. The need for special sound system features such as floor monitor speakers, wireless microphone systems, etc. will be considered and integrated into the sound system design package where appropriate or requested.
Won Awards:
2023 — CLIDE Special Development award; NCTCOG Celebrating Leadership in Development Excellence (CLIDE)
2022 — Best New Construction Award (under 50,000 pop.); Texas Downtown
2021 — Built Project Award – Honorable Mention; Greater Dallas Planning Council
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